Selected Publications

Communication and Computer Networks

  1. S. Tseng, A. Tang, G. Choudhury and S. Tse. Routing Stability in Hybrid Software-Defined Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 27(2): 790-804, April 2019.
  2. N. Wu, S. Tseng and A. Tang, "Accurate Rate-Aware Flow-Level Traffic Splitting", Proceedings of Allerton conference, 2018.
  3. N. Wu and A. Tang, "End-to-end Network Throughput Optimization Through Last-mile Diversity", Proceedings of CISS, 2018.
  4. Y. Bi and A. Tang, "Cost of Not Arbitrarily Splitting in Routing", Proceedings of IEEE ICNP, 2017.
  5. Y. Bi, C. Tan and A. Tang, "Network Utility Maximization with Path Cardinality Constraints", Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, 2016.
  6. N. Michael and A. Tang, "HALO: Hop-by-hop Adaptive Link-State Optimal Routing", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 23(6): 1862-1875, December 2015.
  7. A. Gushchin, A. Walid and A. Tang, "Scalable Routing in SDN-enabled Networks with Consolidated Middleboxes", Proceedings of ACM Hotmiddlebox, 2015.
  8. M. Wang, C. Tan, W. Xu and A. Tang, "Cost of Not Splitting in Routing: Characterization and Estimation", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 19(6): 1849-1859, December, 2011.
  1. F. Paganini, A. Tang, A. Ferragut and L. Andrew, "Network Stability under Alpha Fair Bandwidth Allocation with General File Size Distribution", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57(3): 579-591, March 2012.
  2. A. Tang, L. Andrew, K. Jacobsson, K. Johansson, H. Hjalmarsson and S. Low, "Queue Dynamics with Window Flow Control", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18(5): 1422-1435, October 2010.
  3. A. Tang and L. Andrew, "Game Theory for Heterogeneous Flow Control", Proceedings of CISS, 2008.
  4. A. Tang, J. Wang, S. Low and M. Chiang, "Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Congestion Control: Existence and Uniqueness", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 15(4): 824-837, August 2007.
  5. A. Tang, J. Wang, S. Hedge and S. Low. "Equilibrium and fairness of networks shared by TCP Reno and Vegas/FAST", Telecommunication Systems Journal, 30(4): 417-439, December 2005.
  6. A. Tang, J. Wang and S. Low. "Understanding CHOKe: Throughput and Spatial Characteristics", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 12(4):694-707, August 2004.
  1. S. Tseng, S. Agarwal, R. Agarwal, H. Ballani and A. Tang, "CodedBulk: Inter-Datacenter Bulk Transfers using Network Coding", NSDI 2021.
  2. J. Hwang, Q. Cai, A. Tang and Rachit Agarwal, "TCP ≈ RDMA: CPU-efficient Remote Storage Access with i10", NSDI 2020.
  3. J. Cheng and A. Tang, "Acceleration of Multipath TCP by Letting ACKs Take the Shortest Path", The 40th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 2019.
  4. E. Mallada, X. Meng, M. Hack, L. Zhang and A. Tang, "Skewless Network Clock Synchronization Without Discontinuity: Convergence and Performance", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking , 23(5): 1619-1633, October 2015.
  5. H. Wang, K. Lee, E. Li, C. Lim, H. Weatherspoon and A. Tang, "Timing is Everything: Accurate, Zero-cost, Available Bandwidth Estimation in High-speed Wired Network", Proceedings of ACM IMC, 2014.
  1. C. Lim and A. Tang, "Dynamic Speed Scaling and Load Balancing of Interconnected Queues", Proceedings of ITA workshop, 2011.
  2. L. Andrew, A. Wierman and A. Tang, "Optimal Speed Scaling Under Arbitrary Power Functions", Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review (special issue for MAMA workshop), 37(2): 39-41, September 2009.
  3. A. Wierman, L. Andrew and A. Tang, "Power-Aware Speed Scaling in Processor Sharing Systems", Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, 2009.


Information Science
(Control and Systems, Communication, and Signal Processing, often with a connection to networks)

  1. S. Tseng and A. Tang, "A Local Search Algorithm for the Witsenhausen’s Counterexample", Proceedings of IEEE CDC, 2017.
  2. E. Mallada, R. Freeman and A. Tang, "Decentralized Synchronization of Heterogeneous Oscillators on Networks with Arbitrary Topology", IEEE Transactions on Control of Networked Systems , 3(1): 12-23, March 2016.
  3. A. Gushchin, E. Mallada and A. Tang, "Phase-coupled Oscillators with Plastic Coupling: Synchronization and Stability", IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering , 3(4): 240-256, October-December, 2016.
  4. A. Gushchin, E. Mallada and A. Tang, "Synchronization of Heterogeneous Kuramoto Oscillators with Arbitrary Topology", Proceedings of ACC, 2015.
  5. E. Mallada and A. Tang, "Synchronization of Weakly Coupled Oscillators: Coupling, Delay and Topology", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46(2013) 505101, December 2013.
  6. K. Jacobsson, L. Andrew and A. Tang, "Stability and Robustness Conditions Using Frequency Dependent Half Planes", Proceedings of IEEE CDC, December 2009.
  1. M. Wang, W. Xu, E. Mallada and A. Tang, "Sparse Recovery with Graph Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61(2):1028-1044, February 2015.
  2. W. Xu, M. Wang, J. Cai and A. Tang, "Sparse Error Correction from Nonlinear Measurements with Applications in Bad Data Detection for Power Networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , 61(24): 6175-6187, December 2013.
  3. M. Wang, W. Xu and A. Tang "A Unique “Non-negative” Solution to an Underdetermined System: from Vectors to Matrices", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , 59(3): 1007-1016, March 2011.
  4. M. Wang W. Xu and A. Tang, "On the Performance of Sparse Recovery via Lp- minimization (0<=p<=1)", IEEE Tranctions on Information Theory, 57(11):7255-7278, November 2011.
  5. W. Xu, E. Mallada and A. Tang, "Compressive Sensing over Graphs", Proceedings of Infocom 2011.
  1. A. Anandkumar, N. Michael and A. Tang, "Distributed Algorithms for Learning and Cognitive Medium Access with Logarithmic Regret", IEEE Journal of Selected Areas of Communications , 29(4): 731-745, April 2011.
  2. J. Lee, A. Tang, J. Huang, M. Chiang and R. Calderbank, "Reverse Engineering MAC: A Non-Cooperative Game Model", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications , 25(6): 1135-1147, August 2007.
  3. A. Tang, J. Sun and K. Gong, "Mobile Propagation Loss with a Low Base Station Antenna for NLOS Street Microcells in Urban Area", Proceedings of IEEE VTC, 2001.



  1. Y. Bi and A. Tang, "Duality Gap Estimation via A Refined Shapley-Folkman Lemma", SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30(2): 1094--1118, 2020.
  2. Y. Bi and A. Tang, "On Upper Bounding Shannon Capacity of Graph Through Generalized Conic Programming", Optimization Letters (2019)13: 1313-1323, 2019.
  3. S. Tseng, E. Bitar and A. Tang, "Random Convex Approximation of Ambiguous Chance Constrained Programs", Proceedings of IEEE CDC, 2016.
  4. W. Xu and A. Tang, "A Generalized Coupon Collector Problem", Journal of Applied Probability, 48(4): 1081-1094, December 2011.
  5. A. Tang, A. Simsek, A. Ozdaglar and D. Acemoglu, "On the Stability of P-Matrices", Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 426(1): 22-32, October 2007.

