M.S./Ph.D. Student
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
389 Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Email: nm373 at cornell dot edu
Phone: 607-255-0236
I received my B.S. in Electrical Engineering (summa cum laude) from
Drexel University in 2008. After that I joined the M.S./Ph.D. program
at Cornell as a Jacobs Fellow in the Fall of 2008 from where I graduated in August 2013. I am currently a Postdoctoral Scholar working with Dr.
Kevin Tang in the Networks Group. My research interests include
algorithms and networks. For those of you who would like to know more
about me, here's a copy of my CV.
"HALO: Hop-by-hop Adaptive Link-state Optimal Routing" by N. Michael and A.K. Tang
submitted to IEEE Transactions on Networking, July 2013.
"Optimal Link-state Hop-by-hop Routing" by N. Michael, A.K. Tang and D. Xu
accepted to ICNP 2013 (Goettingen, Germany), October 2013.
"Quadrisection Based Task Mapping on Many-Core Processors for Energy-Efficient On-Chip Communication" by N. Michael, Y. Wang, G. E. Suh and A.K.Tang
in Proc. of ACM/IEEE NOCS, (Tempe, USA), April 2013
"On the Performance of Averaged Optimal Routing" by N. Michael, A.K. Tang and E. Suh
in Proc. of CISS, (Princeton, USA), March 2012.
"Analysis of Application-Aware On-Chip Routing Under Traffic Uncertainty" by N. Michael, M. Nikolov, A.K. Tang, E. Suh and C. Batten
in Proc. of ACM/IEEE NOCS, (Pittsburgh, USA), May 2011.
"Distributed Learning and Allocation of Cognitive Users with Logarithmic Regret" by A. Anandkumar, N. Michael, A.K. Tang and A. Swami
in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,29(4):731-745, April 2011.
"Opportunistic Spectrum Access with Multiple Users: Learning under Competition" by A. Anandkumar, N. Michael, and A.K. Tang
in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, (San Deigo, USA), Mar. 2010.