Andrey Gushchin

Ph.D. Student
Center for Applied Mathematics

389 Frank H. T. Rhodes Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Email: avg36 at cornell dot edu

Phone: 607-280-1335


I received the B.S. degree and the M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia, in 2008 and 2010 respectively. I joined Cornell's Ph.D. program in Fall 2010. I am a member of the Networks Group led by Dr. Kevin Tang. My research interestes include neuroscience, optimization, data mining.


ORIE 6300    Math Programming I
MATH 6220    Applied Functional Analysis
ORIE 6500    Applied Stochastic Processes
ECON 6170    Intermed Math Econ I
MATH 6740    Intro Mathematical Statistics
ORIE 5620    Credit Risk: Model, Val & Manag
MATH 7740    Statistical Learning Theory
ORIE 6570    Stochastic Dynamic Programming
BIONB 2220    Introduction to Neuroscience
BIONB 3300    Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
MATH 4250    Numerical Analysis & Differential Equations
NCC 5560    Managerial Finance